
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Good is the Enemy of Great

   I am currently at the end of the book Good to Great by Jim Collins. This is my second time reading this book and I have taken new things out of it this time. At first glance this is just a book about business, but this is something that you can take out of the context of just business. But these same concepts can be used toward your daily life, especially your diet and exercise.
   It is very easy to get content with your workout and diet. You lose a few pounds in the beginning because you change your diet habits but then you plateau. Same goes for the gym, you start working out and lose some weight and feel great but then you don't see anymore changes. But the average person doesn't think or want to change up their routine because they're comfortable with where they are at. With your diet its easy to get in a groove of eating things that you know are healthy and eating them over and over again. But your going to get bored and also your going to be depriving your body of different types of vitamins and nutrients that you get from a variety of different foods, so its important to change it up.
   As far as the gym goes, again it's easy to comfortable with your routine. The same machines, the same amount of weight, the same amount of time on each machine and the same resistance and/or speed. Most people would be surprised how quickly your body adapts to these same workouts over and over again and much sooner than you think, you're not seeing any results. But it's too intimidating to go outside of your comfort zone to try new exercise or increase the demand of you body by increasing weight, speed, resistance or any other factor in your workouts.
   So if you're tired of plateauing every time you try to change your diet and exercise then you need to become great in all of the aspects of your lifestyle change and stop settling for just good enough. If you want to go from a good workout to a great workout or a good diet to a great diet, and in turn go from good results to GREAT results you have to be willing to changes things up and not get too comfortable with your routine. No more excuses, if you want to look and feel great than you have to think and act great!

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